
stepet Member Posts: 69
I just found out that your tonsils are a lymphnode. I never realized they were. Well Monday morning I am having mine removed due to chronic tonsilitis. I am starting to get nervous that they may contain hodgkins. Please pray that they don't!!!!!!


  • pickles123
    pickles123 Member Posts: 47
    I had chronic tonsilitis too so its good to get them out. I hope yours dont contain hodgkins!

    Hugs, Pic

    Let us know how it turns out!
  • lhodnet
    lhodnet Member Posts: 62
    Just curious, how did the tonsil biopsy come along?
  • stepet
    stepet Member Posts: 69
    My tonsils are clear, except for the fungus that was growing there. I feel so much better now that they are out! Now I wait and see what my chest x-ray says!