small cell lung cancer

sallie meine
sallie meine Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
Hi, I am Salie and I had one lung removed in January 2003 dur to small cell cancer. No chemo or radiation, the surgeon says he "got it all". I do not know anyone who has been in my shoes and am looking for conversation. E-mail


  • pacisan
    pacisan Member Posts: 18
    Sallie Meine~Hi. I had a pneumonectomy in June of 2001..they removed my left lung and 3 positive lymph nodes. I didn't have chemo or radiation either. I was told I didn't need an oncologist and when I went out and got one on my own I was released by my thorasic surgeon..He couldn't relate to the fact that I didn't take his word as gods'..
    I've just had my 2 year check and had no sign of, now I take it a day at a time and I'm grateful for every one of them..I'd be glad to converse with me at
  • antsynancy
    antsynancy Member Posts: 17
    Hi Sallie,
    I had nsclc and had surgery March 1, 2002. My cancer had not spread and they removed the upper lobe of my left lung. It was stage 1 cancer, so I also was told they did not have to do chemo or radiation. I felt uneasy about no further treatment also, but posted on here and other people also were not required other treatment. Today I am still cancer free!!!! The surgery felt he got it all too and I guess he was right!
    If you would like to correspond, my email address is

  • autumn64
    autumn64 Member Posts: 13
    I had a thoracotomy and lobectomy Nov. 2002. My tumor was contained in the upper lobe of right lung which was removed.

    I did not need further treatments, as others feel it lurks in the back of your mind but at this point I am clean per my testing.

    With God's help we go one day at a time. Hugs and prayers.. Lana
  • bobmc
    bobmc Member Posts: 47
    Hello Sallie, my very best to you, I'll also join the list, I have been a 1-lunger since May 2, 2001. I was dx.'ed with NSCLC in April 2001 and like the rest no follow up treatmwent was required. I have been watched closely over the last 2 years by my oncologist who I see every 3 months or so. I continue to recover well and stay cancer free. I can be reached here at ACS,or at or at
    God bless, stay well and know you are not alone
    Bobmc- NSCLC-stageIIB- left pneumonectomy 5/2/01
    " absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"
  • nelss06
    nelss06 Member Posts: 6
    Hi Sallie, my name is Sandie and I had the upper portion of my right lung removed in Nov 2002 due to NSCLC..I was told they got all the cancer (the surru
    ounding tissue and lymph nodes were all negative per the radiologist). Right now I continue to be cancer free, but this does not mean that somewhere down the line I won't get another kind of cancer..Don't let messages that are depressing or where people seem to be mad at the world get you down. Take things one day at a time and be happy for what you have. I had no chemo or radiation and my oncologist said I was one of the luckiest people he knows because this is not usually the outcome with lung cancer. It is usually too far gone to do much but try to control it or relieve the pain...You also are one of the lucky ones (10 to 15% I am told) who have their cancer caught early enough to survive with just surgery...Keep your chin up and smile.. You have your life..