My report from endoscopy

miss maggie
miss maggie Member Posts: 929
Hello to all,

First let me say I send everyone on this site my prayers and blessings. Because I was not
dx with Colorectal cancer, forgive me for posting my question. I do in fact have cancer, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma dx in Sept 2009.

I had an endoscopy May 16, 2012. I did speak with the doctor, and received some results. 5 biopsies were taken. Does anyone have any idea what some of the results mean???????
See below for report.

LA Grade B or more mucosal breaks greater that 5mm, not extending between the tops of two
mucosal folds, esophagitis was found, along with sverelamsmall esophageal ulcers. Biopsy was taken for histology.

Diffuse nodular mucosa was found in the gastric fundus. Biopsy was taken for histology.

Diffuse moderately erythematous mucosa was found in the gastric antgrum with ?? specks of blood. Biospy was taken for histology.

Diffuse noduylar mucosa was found in the duodenal bulb. Biopsy was taken for histology.

The second part of the duodenum was normal. Biopsy was taken for histology.

Yes, for the last few weeks or so, I have been having Gerd. I have never had this before.
Thank you for reading my post. Any information would be apppreicated.

God Bless all of you on your journey during this difficult time. Maggie


  • golf_gal
    golf_gal Member Posts: 69
    I can't disect your results. I would ask the doctor to explain in laymans terms, what this all means. You are entitled to detailed explanation.

    God bless, and I hope you get your answers. Keep us posted.