Stage 2 survivor - My blog

Hello everyone

I'm new in this forum. My name is Paul Clement and I am a stage 2 rectal cancer survivor, having had my surgery in June 2010.

I know I am one of the lucky ones to not only survive but also be spared chemo and radiation treatments.

Even after 15 months or so, I felt like I needed to get a few things off my chest, and have been writing in my blog at

I have had a good outcome, and so the tone of my blog is sometimes light, and I have a few laughs at my own expense. I hope for some of my words to reach not only fighters like ourselves but also other people who are fighting alongside a family member, or even people with no cancer stories of their own.

It may not be for everyone, depending on where they are at in their battle with this horrible disease, but maybe you will commiserate or be entertained.

I look forward to also participating here in this forum.

Very best wishes to everyone,

