New to group-3 rd time with cancer

I'm new to this group, so glad to have found it! I'm a 37 yr survivor; HD 74, thyroid cancer 2006, just dx'd with breat cancer this year. My question is has any one ever applied for disability because of long term effects of having had cancer?


  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    I had breast cancer in 1986, again in 1988, and bone cancer in 1996.
    I applied for SSI Disability the first time in 1996 after my 26 year marriage ended and was truned down the fist time because I still had assets in common with my husband and we were not yet legally divorced. Once the divorce was final I applied again and was accepted. If you have concrete medical evidence of your disabilities and your personal assets do not excede the limit for your state you should be in good shape, although it is not uncommon to be turned down once or twice. Don't give up.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi sunshine

    I am not on disability just yet but sure thinking about it. I am glad you found the CSN network and hope you plan to stay awhile.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi sunshine

    I am not on disability just yet but sure thinking about it. I am glad you found the CSN network and hope you plan to stay awhile.


    It will take you some time
    to get this done, but it is possible. I had base of tongue cancer in 1998, lots of problems with speech and diet after radiation and surgery. Tried to work for a few years. Lost my health insurance when the insurance company went bankrupt. Met new wife who was geriatric social worker. She said I could qualify for disability related SS. I applied. Took about 3 years but we got there. The Medicare was a godsend, and is the only insurance I have ever been able to get post cancer.

    I had another cancer last year, treated sith radical surgery. Speech even worse.

    Now I've had yet a third cancer and between chemotherapy and another planned radiation treatment I may not be able to speak at all. Very thankful I dealt with this earlier.

    I would say this: you really have to get your ducks in a row to fight through this one. If under age 65 (I was under 50 at the time) denial is automatic and the appeal is won by having good medical records and being very organized in your approach. In this, we had a SS lawyer, but my wife is the one who solved the problem of getting through the system. BTW, you don't have to pay the lawyer, he is paid by the government when your disability is awarded.
