Join us Walking, Swimming, Cycling, Weights, Paddling, Jogging and get SURVIVAL BOOST



  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    pepebcn said:

    Hahaha, I see you love tents!
    Take care with your walk after chemo! if you get it you are a champion!
    Have an smooth day Pete!
    Will any others join us today? Come on !

    Ulan Battor today, exotic city!
    Thinking to spend a couple of days walking around , 30 km a day is that fine Pete?
    Hope you feel better from chemo and can walk a little tomorrow!.
    Hugs every body !
  • kuastoi
    kuastoi Member Posts: 63
    Not walking but...
    Pete invited me to chime in here. I am not walking as it is still too cold here in Maine, and the shoulders on our roads are a bit too narrow. I do bike with a bicycle set up on a magnetic resistance trainer though - averaging 10 miles a day. I did not do it when I was on the 3 day folfox/folfiri routine, but tried to do it on any non-chemo day. Now I will be on a new regimen of 2 oral drugs essentially every day - hope to keep up the biking though as I am in training for a big ride in June. I plan on doing the "Trek Across Maine" again this year as it was a great ride last year.

    I do feel much better and more energetic the more I exercise.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    pepebcn said:

    Hahaha, I see you love tents!
    Take care with your walk after chemo! if you get it you are a champion!
    Have an smooth day Pete!
    Will any others join us today? Come on !

    like jesus said " the spirit is willing but the body is weak"
    thats my story for chemo day 1 and day 2. Did manage a little exercise, but we cannot discuss that on the forum. its not been a smooth day with forum dramas. I should disable my access on DEX days. I just love hearing about your exotic overseas destination. Oh places we can visit in our imagination.

    keep it up pepe. you inspire me. tom has joined us below. We are like Laurel and Hardy. You can be Laurel and I'll be hardy he was the really big guy. thats me.

    We can be the personal trainers and travel advisers for the forum. All for free. You cannot get better value.

    I hardly touched any food today and gut is about to implode. the joy of folfox. bottle off tomorrow and a barium enema.

    Keep up the walking if you can, until I am back on track and on the track. Hopefully tomorrow.


  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    kuastoi said:

    Not walking but...
    Pete invited me to chime in here. I am not walking as it is still too cold here in Maine, and the shoulders on our roads are a bit too narrow. I do bike with a bicycle set up on a magnetic resistance trainer though - averaging 10 miles a day. I did not do it when I was on the 3 day folfox/folfiri routine, but tried to do it on any non-chemo day. Now I will be on a new regimen of 2 oral drugs essentially every day - hope to keep up the biking though as I am in training for a big ride in June. I plan on doing the "Trek Across Maine" again this year as it was a great ride last year.

    I do feel much better and more energetic the more I exercise.


    go tom go!!
    go tom go!!
    welcome to the walking post. I think we will rename it to the exercising post to make it more inclusive.

    Now we have a team for the bowel cancer triathalon.
    pepe can do the walk or run
    pete will do the swim
    tom can do the bike.

    what a team,

    Where do we want to go on the planet to do our triathalon ?
    how about Russia ?

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    kuastoi said:

    Not walking but...
    Pete invited me to chime in here. I am not walking as it is still too cold here in Maine, and the shoulders on our roads are a bit too narrow. I do bike with a bicycle set up on a magnetic resistance trainer though - averaging 10 miles a day. I did not do it when I was on the 3 day folfox/folfiri routine, but tried to do it on any non-chemo day. Now I will be on a new regimen of 2 oral drugs essentially every day - hope to keep up the biking though as I am in training for a big ride in June. I plan on doing the "Trek Across Maine" again this year as it was a great ride last year.

    I do feel much better and more energetic the more I exercise.


    Welkome to the club Tom , bike is allowed too
    so enjoy our trips!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    like jesus said " the spirit is willing but the body is weak"
    thats my story for chemo day 1 and day 2. Did manage a little exercise, but we cannot discuss that on the forum. its not been a smooth day with forum dramas. I should disable my access on DEX days. I just love hearing about your exotic overseas destination. Oh places we can visit in our imagination.

    keep it up pepe. you inspire me. tom has joined us below. We are like Laurel and Hardy. You can be Laurel and I'll be hardy he was the really big guy. thats me.

    We can be the personal trainers and travel advisers for the forum. All for free. You cannot get better value.

    I hardly touched any food today and gut is about to implode. the joy of folfox. bottle off tomorrow and a barium enema.

    Keep up the walking if you can, until I am back on track and on the track. Hopefully tomorrow.



    Hope you get baco on the track very soon
    l miss you in the path!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    pepebcn said:

    Welkome to the club Tom , bike is allowed too
    so enjoy our trips!

    Drive to your home Pete.
    Hired an small aircraft ,hahahah! flying over Silvanya just on top Luke Benchmark oyster Restaurant&Bar.Are you near there?
    LOL. How amazing technology it is!
  • soccermom13
    soccermom13 Member Posts: 224
    pepebcn said:

    Drive to your home Pete.
    Hired an small aircraft ,hahahah! flying over Silvanya just on top Luke Benchmark oyster Restaurant&Bar.Are you near there?
    LOL. How amazing technology it is!

    I had 2 walks this week - 5k each time so I am
    catching up to you two! this AM there was an owl hooting as we approached his perch, the moon setting ahead of us and the sun rising behind us. What a glorious start to the day! Hope you are enjoying the sights and sounds as well!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    I had 2 walks this week - 5k each time so I am
    catching up to you two! this AM there was an owl hooting as we approached his perch, the moon setting ahead of us and the sun rising behind us. What a glorious start to the day! Hope you are enjoying the sights and sounds as well!

    Shanna what a wonderful way to start a day!
    Next time make a picture, must be glorious ! Enjoy your walks !
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member

    I had 2 walks this week - 5k each time so I am
    catching up to you two! this AM there was an owl hooting as we approached his perch, the moon setting ahead of us and the sun rising behind us. What a glorious start to the day! Hope you are enjoying the sights and sounds as well!

    go shanna go
    hi shanna,

    I can see it in my eyes, what a wonderful dawn you had, thanks for sharing it.
    If you signup for the 100,000km challenge and i hope you do.
    here is the good news.

    you only got 99,990 kms to go.
    now at 10km per day its gonna take about 30 years..
    now I am just telling my little
    colorectal friend, he can have me after the walk. I won't tell him how long it is.
    With a bit of luck he will die inside me before I do.

  • soccermom13
    soccermom13 Member Posts: 224
    pepebcn said:

    Shanna what a wonderful way to start a day!
    Next time make a picture, must be glorious ! Enjoy your walks !

    It was mavelous Pepe!
    I will try to remember to bring the camera to share our beauty here! Enjoy as well!
  • soccermom13
    soccermom13 Member Posts: 224

    go shanna go
    hi shanna,

    I can see it in my eyes, what a wonderful dawn you had, thanks for sharing it.
    If you signup for the 100,000km challenge and i hope you do.
    here is the good news.

    you only got 99,990 kms to go.
    now at 10km per day its gonna take about 30 years..
    now I am just telling my little
    colorectal friend, he can have me after the walk. I won't tell him how long it is.
    With a bit of luck he will die inside me before I do.


    I am signing up!
    Guess I better up the KM's or it will be a long time!!! HA HA I am adding my bike and swim miles as well or I will be gone before I reach the 100,000 km goal! Here's to health and healing!
    Hugs to you my friend!
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member

    I am signing up!
    Guess I better up the KM's or it will be a long time!!! HA HA I am adding my bike and swim miles as well or I will be gone before I reach the 100,000 km goal! Here's to health and healing!
    Hugs to you my friend!

    3 days off with this chemo
    Keep the exercise going shanna, I'll back on track tomorrow I hope, as long as my arse
    stops hurting and leaking. they never said it would be this much fun. I knew I was in for trouble when the lovely old nurse gave me this big nappy with a smile and said

    "just in case"

    the killer today is the barium enema, been leaking, in pain, oh the joys of treatment haha.

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    3 days off with this chemo
    Keep the exercise going shanna, I'll back on track tomorrow I hope, as long as my arse
    stops hurting and leaking. they never said it would be this much fun. I knew I was in for trouble when the lovely old nurse gave me this big nappy with a smile and said

    "just in case"

    the killer today is the barium enema, been leaking, in pain, oh the joys of treatment haha.


    At last I'm in China!
    Then Laos, Thailand ,Malasya, Singapore, Indonesia ,Timor ,Australia!
    Still long walk to go , keep you informed.
  • kuastoi
    kuastoi Member Posts: 63
    Cranked out 12 miles yesterday
    Had to make up some for missing on Tuesday (spent most of it on a bus to Boston). Now dressed for another 12-15 today. I got some catch'in up to do if you are already in China. It is a bit muddy here, so I'm a bit slow.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    kuastoi said:

    Cranked out 12 miles yesterday
    Had to make up some for missing on Tuesday (spent most of it on a bus to Boston). Now dressed for another 12-15 today. I got some catch'in up to do if you are already in China. It is a bit muddy here, so I'm a bit slow.


    go tom go
    Hi Tom,

    The walking will calm the universe.

    how awesome, after I get some sleep I'll be up for a walk, my movements are pretty restricted due to bum trouble.

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    kuastoi said:

    Cranked out 12 miles yesterday
    Had to make up some for missing on Tuesday (spent most of it on a bus to Boston). Now dressed for another 12-15 today. I got some catch'in up to do if you are already in China. It is a bit muddy here, so I'm a bit slow.


    go tom go
    Hi Tom,

    The walking will calm the universe.

    how awesome, after I get some sleep I'll be up for a walk, my movements are pretty restricted due to bum trouble.

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    kuastoi said:

    Cranked out 12 miles yesterday
    Had to make up some for missing on Tuesday (spent most of it on a bus to Boston). Now dressed for another 12-15 today. I got some catch'in up to do if you are already in China. It is a bit muddy here, so I'm a bit slow.


    Hahahaha! you make me laugh a lot Tom !
    Anyhow I'm in the north and must get Laos so thousands of Kilometers, roads here not western standards so it's going to take me a while!
    I'm sure you will be capable to catch me in a few days ! LOL.
    Also monsoon time so paths does not exist any more! ( what an imagination I have ,lol).
    Tale care see you soon!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    kuastoi said:

    Cranked out 12 miles yesterday
    Had to make up some for missing on Tuesday (spent most of it on a bus to Boston). Now dressed for another 12-15 today. I got some catch'in up to do if you are already in China. It is a bit muddy here, so I'm a bit slow.


    Hahahaha! you make me laugh a lot Tom !
    Anyhow I'm in the north and must get Laos so thousands of Kilometers, roads here not western standards so it's going to take me a while!
    I'm sure you will be capable to catch me in a few days ! LOL.
    Also monsoon time so paths does not exist any more! ( what an imagination I have ,lol).
    Take care see you soon!
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    kuastoi said:

    Cranked out 12 miles yesterday
    Had to make up some for missing on Tuesday (spent most of it on a bus to Boston). Now dressed for another 12-15 today. I got some catch'in up to do if you are already in China. It is a bit muddy here, so I'm a bit slow.


    triple posted