O/T - Can I brag....please...just a little?



  • soccermom13
    soccermom13 Member Posts: 224
    Brag away!
    this disease is tough on our families as well as us and it is nice to hear good news! Congrats to your daughters!
  • Sonia32
    Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member
    Awwwww Anne
    Congrats, they must take after you. :-))

  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    AnneCan said:

    Thank-you. I am incrdeibly proud of them + they are wonderful interestin people too!

    I can' remember if you are on Mainland China or Hong Kong. My oldest daughter did an exchange program at the University of Fudan for the fall semester of '09, when she was in undergraduate studies.

    Best always to you.

    Hong Kong
    Dear Anne,

    I live in Hong Kong and I know University of Fudan is a really good university in China! Your daughter must be a very smart and intelligent young lady!

    Best wishes to you -- happy mum!