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Emt_Travis Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Testicular Cancer #1
Hello everyone,
My name is travis. My story started a month ago when I had a pain in my left testicle and I noticed a lump on it. I made a appointment with my primary doctor and he felt it and thought that it might be a infection so he put me on some antibiotics but wanted me to see a urologist. I seen my urologist monday and he had a ultrasound done. We set up a appointment for a week later to go over my ultrasound results. I came home that day and about 4 hours later my urologists nurse called me and said that I have testicular cancer and they wanted to do surgery to remove my left testicle that next day. Wow that was a hard hit. My wife took it really hard because We have no children and now our chances of having one is slim. So I had the surgery and it went pretty well. I had the common swelling and pain after my surgery. I had a CT scan done a week after my surgery and my urologist wanted me to see a oncologist. I seen my oncologist a little over a week ago and he didn't really tell me anything because my urologists office didn't send any of my records. I went back to see my oncologist on wed and he still didn't really say much. He sounded more concerned about money than anything else. He did say that he's worried because I have more than one lymph nod that is enlarged. He wanted to take some more time to go over my scans and had me call him yesterday for a phone appointment. When I called he was not available and the nurse said she would have him call me back but I never received a call. So now I have to wait another weekend to see if I will have to go through anymore treatments. I never thought that at the age of 28 I would be facing this but here I am.


  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    Important. Get a pathology
    Important. Get a pathology report from DR. When the testicle was removed, a pathologist would have looked at the tissue to determine tyep type of testicular cancer it is. Some types are much more aggressive and can spread quickly, and will need chemo. The type im talking of is non seminoma carcinoma. Find out stage of cancer too, because its likely already in lymph nodes and could target lungs next. you need both urologist and med oncologist to communicate now. youll would get BEP chemo for 3 rds or EP for 4 rds , if not you need to get another urologist. either way, if the growth in lymph nodes is malignant, you want to get it taken care of
  • Davepet
    Davepet Member Posts: 92
    Right now,your ability to
    Right now,your ability to have children is not changed very much,whatever further treatment you need may or may not change that, so be sure to questions your doc about that.
