Daughter Wants to Know if You Breast Fed Your Babies



  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member

    Thank You For Responding
    I was surprised to read how many of you breast fed. I was hoping that the answers would have been different. I am beginning to wonder if breast cancer is caused by a virus. It does not make sense as to why one person gets breast cancer and another does not!

    I am going to copy and paste all your responses so that my daughter can read them.

    Lots of Hugs,

    Add another
    I breast fed all three for 5-9 months each. I was breastfed and I strongly suspect my mother was also. She was dxed around age 54, I was 55. Both had first babies at 23 and I am negative for BRAC 1&2.

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    I breast fed both of my sons for a year each.

  • sunrisema
    sunrisema Member Posts: 4
    breast fed
    yes, i breast fed two children for a total of 7 1/2 years. I have just been diagnosed with DCIS with a possible microinvasion.
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    roseann4 said:

    I breast fed both of my sons for a year each.


    What we know for certain
    What we know for certain is that there are NO certainties about who gets breast cancer.

    I breast fed both children, my son for 11 months, my daughter for only 6.

    Some of us had our children early, some of us later. I was 34 and 37 years old when mine were born. We were married for 11 years without children. Maybe that's why we split when they got grown.lol (2 years ago)

    I did smoke but never drank, was skinny as a rail (except while pregnant) until menopause. Passed through that uneventfully but did put on about 30 pounds.

    Anyway, when you read all of these entries, there sure aren't any clues to the mystery!

    My best to all. Marsha
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    sunrisema said:

    breast fed
    yes, i breast fed two children for a total of 7 1/2 years. I have just been diagnosed with DCIS with a possible microinvasion.

    I nursed all 4 of mine
    The first was for 2 years and the 3 were for 3 years each. So that's a total of 11 years of nursing. I ate lots of fresh fruit and veges, we grew many ourselves. My husband hunts and fishes so a lot of our "meats" were fresh also. I exercised regularly and never have been over 135 lbs. We live in a very healthy environment, never smoked and only drank a little wine once in a while. Go figure....
  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    Breast fed both of them
    Yes, I breast fed both of my children for a little under one year. They were born when I was 24 and 26 years old. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 60 yrs. My mother did not breast feed either my sister or I. She was diagnosed at age 50 yrs. Interestingly, my mother and I both developed breast cancer in the same breast and within 18 months of the loss of one of our parents (a stressor). I think there are many factors that contribute to getting breast cancer. I always thought that breast feeding was a good idea for many reasons and perhaps it does delay or deter breast cancer growth however there are so many environmental as well as, genetic factors that there is no clear cause and effect.
    Hugs, K
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    I breastfed both of my daughters, one longer than the other though.
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851


  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    chenheart said:

    This should be
    This should be interesting...I never had children, so I can't answer the question, but I will find the answers fascinating. My mom did NOT breast feed any of us~ we were the first generation of baby-boomers~ I believe it was a sign of the new post WW11 affluence to be able to afford formula. Progress~ two steps forward, at least 3 back! LOL


    Breastfed both of my boys for about 1 yr each. Had my first baby at 26 and my second at 28. My "babies" are now 29 and 27!!
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    I breast fed both of my daughters, the first - born when I was 26 - for 6 months, the 2nd - born when I was 29 - for 9 months. The first question the nurse at the surgeon's office asked me was whether I breast fed my babies. Oh well!
    I also read in Dr. Susan Love's breast book that there is a higher incidence of BC in women who had x-ray treatment to the thymus gland as babies. I know that I had this treatment as a baby. I never knew where the thymus gland was but I read in Susan Love's book that the thymus gland is in the chest. Interesting, eh?
  • crselby
    crselby Member Posts: 441 Member
    BethInAz said:

    I breast fed both of my daughters, the first - born when I was 26 - for 6 months, the 2nd - born when I was 29 - for 9 months. The first question the nurse at the surgeon's office asked me was whether I breast fed my babies. Oh well!
    I also read in Dr. Susan Love's breast book that there is a higher incidence of BC in women who had x-ray treatment to the thymus gland as babies. I know that I had this treatment as a baby. I never knew where the thymus gland was but I read in Susan Love's book that the thymus gland is in the chest. Interesting, eh?

    I breast fed for a total of
    I breast fed for a total of almost 5 years, but had my first baby at the age of (just) 34 years old. The La Leche League line is that it MAY decrease the chance of breast cancer, which I did not feel I was likely to get. Hah! DX with DCIS at age 57. The time during which you breast feed AND your periods have not returned (8 months for me) is time during which your homones are less likely to promote breast cancer growth (less estrogen). So if you are likely to get hormone positive cancer, then breast feeding might help reduce your chances. If only we had crytal balls. Nonetheless, the babies benefit enormously in ways beyond just nutrition.~~Connie~~
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    crselby said:

    I breast fed for a total of
    I breast fed for a total of almost 5 years, but had my first baby at the age of (just) 34 years old. The La Leche League line is that it MAY decrease the chance of breast cancer, which I did not feel I was likely to get. Hah! DX with DCIS at age 57. The time during which you breast feed AND your periods have not returned (8 months for me) is time during which your homones are less likely to promote breast cancer growth (less estrogen). So if you are likely to get hormone positive cancer, then breast feeding might help reduce your chances. If only we had crytal balls. Nonetheless, the babies benefit enormously in ways beyond just nutrition.~~Connie~~

    Connie, thought your comment about not having periods while breast feeding was interesting. As I posted earlier, I breast fed both my daughters for about a year each. I never even made it to my first appointment with my OB (either 4 weeks or 6, can't remember) after giving birth, without having my period first. My girls were rarely sick so breast feeding was worth it but obviously, breast feeding doesn't prevent getting bc!!!!!
    Oh and my bc is hormone +

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Connie, thought your comment about not having periods while breast feeding was interesting. As I posted earlier, I breast fed both my daughters for about a year each. I never even made it to my first appointment with my OB (either 4 weeks or 6, can't remember) after giving birth, without having my period first. My girls were rarely sick so breast feeding was worth it but obviously, breast feeding doesn't prevent getting bc!!!!!
    Oh and my bc is hormone +


    I didn't breast feed any of
    I didn't breast feed any of my babies. Very interesting subject.
  • Jennifer1961
    Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
    Yes. Fed all 3 of them for
    Yes. Fed all 3 of them for a total of about 3 1/2 years. I know many others that have breast fed and still got cancer. Perhaps it helps, just like not drinking helps, but there are lots of former non-drinking breast feeders that have had cancer. Please tell your daughter she still needs to be vigulant (sp?).
  • Jennifer1961
    Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
    Yes. Fed all 3 of them for
    Yes. Fed all 3 of them for a total of about 3 1/2 years. I know many others that have breast fed and still got cancer. Perhaps it helps, just like not drinking helps, but there are lots of former non-drinking breast feeders that have had cancer. Please tell your daughter she still needs to be vigulant (sp?).
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    Thank You For Responding
    I was surprised to read how many of you breast fed. I was hoping that the answers would have been different. I am beginning to wonder if breast cancer is caused by a virus. It does not make sense as to why one person gets breast cancer and another does not!

    I am going to copy and paste all your responses so that my daughter can read them.

    Lots of Hugs,

    There are many types of
    There are many types of breast cancer: ER+ or negative; PR + or neg; Her2 + or neg; triple negative; inflammatory; Paget's, etc. Some of us have a family history but most do not. As my breast surgeon often says the biggest risk factors are 1) being female and 2) having breasts. I wish there was an easy answer.
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    YES for a short time
    I was 22 at the birth of son and breast fed him for less than a month. My mother did not breast feed us kids at all and there were three of us, two girls. I was 36 at time of my diagnosis. I am interested in this thread of answers.