What a whirlwind.

Boxgoalie Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Testicular Cancer #1
Hey everyone,
I'm a 22 year old and was diagnosed with cancer about 3 weeks ago and it's been non stop fun ever since. I was complaining about testicular pain during a Fire Dept. physical and was referred to my primary care. She sent me to get an ultrasound and low and behold 2 spots on my right testicle, nothing I could feel with a self exam though. Anyway, went to one urologist doctor and wasn't getting good vibes from him. His name was Dr. Eric Choe (outside of Washington DC area), he sent me to get blood work done and then wanted to wait 3 weeks to see me again, I said no thanks and was on to my new doctor. Dr. Nicholas Lailis (Urology Group, Reston VA. and a one testicle man himself) got things moving immediately for me, and did not want to wait another second to get this bad boy out. I saw him on Tuesday, was in surgery Friday morning. The initial biopsy test came back as 100% Seminoma (the good kind). Well today, I had a follow up appointment and he gave me the news that the original biopsy had missed something. So now I find myself with 50% Seminoma, 25% Embryonal Carcinoma, and 25% Terratoma.

He said there are 3 possibilities for what could happen to me next. They monitor me every 3 months for 1 year, then twice a year for 4-5 more years. The next is 2 rounds of Chemo, I'm fine with that, and kind of had the feeling that is what it would come down to in the beginning, just one of those weird gut feelings. Then the last option would be to take out the lymph nodes on my right side (which includes a luxurious stay at a hospital for 5 days following) and then follow that up with chemo.

He is presenting my case to a "Tumor Board" on Wednesday, and I guess they'll decide what to do with me. I'm scared out of my mind for the surgery option, I really am.

Oh and on top of all of this, my girlfriend of two years dumped me 2 days before my surgery and already has a new boyfriend. I guess the saying holds true, when it rains, it pours.

I don't really know what I'm looking for by posting here, maybe some guidance, or a place to vent.

Thanks everyone, and sorry for the wall of text,


  • Davepet
    Davepet Member Posts: 92
    CT scan?
    Have you had one yet? Staging your TC properly requires some info about what's going on in your abdomen & CT scans are usually where they start.Take a look at the Testicular Cancer Resource Center: http://tcrc.acor.org/index.html for more information about treatment, testing, etc.

    It's pretty normal to be scared at this point, since everything is aso up in the air. With the 25% embryonal cells, the RPLND is probably not the best choice, since those cells often spread outside the lymph system.

    If there is no evidence of spreading (IE, a stage 1 classification) then aggressive surveillance is a viable option, just don't skip any required scans or tests, since that treatment relies on finding new cancer cells early enough to go to chemo to kill them. The cure rate between surveillance & 2xBEP is close to identical, if the protocols are followed, since even if the TC comes back, the4 chemo will still work. The advantage is you might not need the chemo at all & can save yourself the risks. The disadvantage is some folks don't follow through, or just can't deal with the uncertainty factor.

    Again go visit the TCRC website, & do some reading....

  • Bigmikedc
    Bigmikedc Member Posts: 15
    treatment options
    I just finished my 2nd BEP course and start my 3rd 6/1/10. If I had choices I'd go for the observation. Lost my hair on days 17-22. They'll probly do the same observation anyway if you do the chemo, the surgery or both anyway. Chemo's a pain in the butt but do-able- hair loss (and constipation) was the worst part for me so far.
  • Boxgoalie
    Boxgoalie Member Posts: 4
    Bigmikedc said:

    treatment options
    I just finished my 2nd BEP course and start my 3rd 6/1/10. If I had choices I'd go for the observation. Lost my hair on days 17-22. They'll probly do the same observation anyway if you do the chemo, the surgery or both anyway. Chemo's a pain in the butt but do-able- hair loss (and constipation) was the worst part for me so far.

    Hey guys, sorry for the slow response, been unbelievably busy as of late, but heres some more info on my situation, etc.
    I've had all the required CT Scans/ X-Rays/ Blood Work prior to my right hand man being removed. I have no tumor markers (thank goodness) and the only thing that showed up on the CT Scans were a couple of very tiny spots on my lungs, which they believe to be benign and possibly the result of a childhood infection, but will be monitored anyway. I had an appointment with an Oncologist (who sat on my Tumor Board meeting) and they want to go ahead with RPLND. He said for the stage I'm at, which is 1A, that the RPLND is the best course of action. He told me that surveillance is going the way of the dinosaur because of the amount of CT Scans that are required. Apparently in the last 6 months new studies have shown that excessive CT Scans can cause... you guessed it... cancer. They are against Chemo with me because whatever the B in BEP stands for, can cause decreased lung capacity and they don't want to take that risk with an otherwise healthy 22 year old. My doctor explained it much more professionally and in much greater detail, these are just the main points I remember from the appointment. I should be talking to my surgeon this week to set up a surgical date, the sooner the better. Bigmikedc... Keep tough with the Chemo man, and best of luck in your adventure. And by your name.. what part of DC/ VA are you located in/ where are you receiving treatments?