what are the odds?

Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all,
Haven't posted in a while, but it was 5yrs for me on July 30th. I have been NED since my dx 5yrs ago, I was Stage IV. Took continuous 5FU chemo and radiation for six weeks, followed by 6mos of Folfox. NOW.... my wonderful husband of 35 yrs. who was my biggest supported had a colonoscopy and they found a mass in his transverse colon. He had surgery, they removed it all, one out of six lymph nodes came back with some microscopic cells, so now he is doing 6 mos of Folfox every 2 wks. I just can't believe it..... his onc says its just a precaution the chemo. But.. I just wonder how many spouses were dx after one of them had colon cancer already?



  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    Gail, I am so sorry to hear both you AND your hubby are semi-colons. Figure the odds indeed! I don't know any couples that both have colon cancer, but we do have a couple in our cancer survivors group where he has cancer in his kidneys and she has breast cancer. I am sending prayers your way for the both of you to get through this. At least you definitely know what your husband will be going through and will be able to help diminish some of his fear.
  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Gail,

    First of all, congratulations on your five year milestone. And secondly, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. I know you will now be his biggest supporter and you will be able to share survivorship together.

    Sending your husband my best healing wishes.


  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    Gail, congrats on such good news for yourself. I am sorry your husbands news was not so positive. It sounds like you have caught this early so that help allot in the outcome. you are both im my thoughts.
  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member

    Congrats on your 5 year milestone.

    I am so sorry that your hubby has to deal with this also. You will be able to rally for him now.

    If you have children, make sure they are tested as well.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Just want to wish you and your husband the best. I'm sorry this disease is hitting your family again.

    From one Gail to the other,
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    My sister was. She had a clean scope right after my diagnosis. 2 years later, she was having symptoms like I had had. She pushed and pushed (they sited the clean scopy) and finally they did another...stage 3 rectal cancer!!!

    Your hubby is lucky....he has a 'been there/done that' source right there with him!!!!

    I'm dancin' with you for the 5 years!!! Show him your stuff!!!!
    Hugs, Kathi
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    Gail, I know 5 years is something to get excited about. We will all look forward to that goal.
    My husband didn't have colon cancer, but his small intestine was blocked by a neuroendocrine carcinoma and he had a portion of it, about 13 inches and lymph nodes, removed this spring. He previously had renal cancer and only has one kidney. Now NED he plays golf, works out at the gym and feels great. Funny how we have both had a total of 3 different kinds of cancer. Makes you wonder about odds.
    I plan to look forward and celebrate all of the good moments in life.
    Jo Ann
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  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    Congratulations on your five year mark. Sorry about your husband, how unlucky for you both to ave to deal with this. The two of you will get through this just fine after having gone through it before. Your husband is fortunate to have caught it fairly early. So sorry for what he has to go through, but he is lucky to have you by his side! My prayers are with you!

  • Glv49
    Glv49 Member Posts: 206 Member
    thank you for all the good thoughts, I will keep you all posted. He already had one treatment last week, and so far so good...we even went to the beach for a few days, it was sooo good to get away from it all..

  • jenalynet
    jenalynet Member Posts: 361 Member
    I am happy to read about your 5 year mark, what wonderful news. I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers, it sounds as if you are both very supportive to each other.. Hugs to you, Audrey.