PC metastasis question?

2ndBase Member Posts: 220
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
Dianosed in late 03 with psa of 24 and gleason of 9 I have been told the cancer has gone to probably my bone as my pas is now rising again. I have no insurance or job so I have not sought more treatment and and not sure I would if I had insurance. Anyway I have a sharp pain in the top side of my right lung area. Does anyone have experience with pain and was it due to the cancer in your lung? I just what to know if I should be worried about this recent pain. Thank You


  • jadjr
    jadjr Member Posts: 30
    When in doubt ask your doc. In your case I would demand a full body CT scan and pet scan including of the brain. Its better to know that wonder. Dont take no for an answer. Be insistent