Dx. with Ovarian Cancer today

Karon2 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Sm. mass found in L ovary. After ultrasound I was told it is Cancer. I will have surgery Friday to remove ovary. Staging will be done then since it is small. They believe it is Stage I. Doctor has said he would decide after surgery if chemo is needed.
I am afraid and worried about my family.


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    My prayers are with you for a successful and 'minimal' surgery. I will also pray for your family. I was stage 1C, four years ago. My doctor has new concerns, so I understand your fears. I've been there. I'm still there, with recent concerns for my husband (his prostate biopsy just came back negative, thank the Lord!). But my Mom is dealing with colon cancer with mets. So, believe me when I say I 'know' how you feel.

    Take one thing at a time. Get through your surgery and let us know what the doc says. Again, I'm thinking of you. God Bless.

  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Karen, thank you for sharing and know we have all felt that fear. It is so fortunate they have found your disease in the early stages, but still will probably face chemo as preventive. Continue to keep us updated, you'll find the women on this board to be very supportive and a pool of information. You are in my prayers.

  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Sorry to hear about the preliminary diagnosis, but I wonder if your doctor is a gynecologic oncologist? It's not typical to diagnose ovarian cancer prior to surgery - it's usually "suspected", because the only way it is diagnosed for sure is by a section of the ovary. My Stage 1c was not suspected until after hysterectomy for uterine cancer, and I had an ultrasound and CAT scan. There was no question about my seeing a gynecologic oncologist, although I had to travel to see him.

    Please don't get too worried at this point. Anxiety is natural, but keep thinking as positively as possible. You might want to look into doing "yoga breathing" to help relax. I took a yoga class about a year before my diagnosis, and I still use the breathing lesson to help calm myself!
  • gorget
    gorget Member Posts: 23
    As groundeffect said, it is unusual to diagnose cancer prior to surgery, although it did happen to my sister very recently. Thankfully, she did not end up having cancer at all - merely fibroids. Hopefully the same will hold true for you too. You should definitely see a gyn/onc to be sure (they should perform surgery, or at least be involved somehow).
    As the others have said, we certainly know how you feel as we've all been there.
    Keep us posted on your surgery and the post-op findings. We are all thinking of you.
    Be well.
  • ashuma1
    ashuma1 Member Posts: 12
    Agree that your surgery MUST be performed by a gynecologic oncologist or at least one should be scrubbed in with the gynecolgist for your surgery. Insiust on it if you are not already under the care of a gynecologic oncologist. But disagree that the diagnosis cannot be made until surgery. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, probable stage III by my gynecolgic oncologist based on ultrasound, CT scan and CA-125 of 3756, symptoms (including severe ascities) and other factors before surgery. Surgery confirmed it was Stage IIIC, grade 3. It really depends on the clinical evidence presented as to whether the diagnosis can be made pre-op. Sure, surgery and pathology confirms it, but I knew what I was facing going in. The scan in my case showed the cancer all over my abdomen and pelvic cavities, he could feel the masses blocking my rectum, etc. Yes -- it's probably a little more difficult to be definitive with a cancer diagnosis at an earlier stage pre-op, but not necessarily.