Extremely worried

Sunshine10a Member Posts: 13 Member

Hi all,

my dads biopsy came back positive for cancer cells (under arm lymph nodes) and originally it was thought to be breast cancer but even after a pet scan mri and ct scan , they can’t find a tumor. He has had past medical issues and was told he has a chance of stomach and esoohageal cancer so now I am very worried it’s one of those. I’ve read on google that pet scans can miss small tumors and can’t get it out of my head that he has one of those and I might lose him. They have sent the biopsy for further testing and waiting is so hard. Not sure how to battle the anxiety.


  • annie4145
    annie4145 Member Posts: 218 Member
    Where are you treating at? 

    Where are you treating at?  My local hospital missed a lymph node involvement that was dectected when I went to stanford.  Are you at a good hospital?  Keep pushing for answers... Don't let them put you off if they can't find it, if you really think that there is an issue, get a second opinion.   Good luck

  • Deathorglory
    Deathorglory Member Posts: 364 Member
    Hello Sunshine

    Hello Sunshine,

    The most nerve wracking thing is not knowing.  Once you know, whatever the results, at least you can figure out what you have to do and move forward.  You can actually do something.  Not knowing is the worst spot to be in.  It's jokingly referred to as scanxiety.  All you can do is wait at this point.  But while you're waiting, you can research the best hospitals and doctors in your area.  Fully half of all doctors and hospitals are below average.  EC is a big deal and it can be a life and death difference between going to the right & wrong doctors/hospital.  Find the good ones and get your father to them if needed.

    Best Wishes,
