has anyone seen dr. peter enzinger from dana farber in boston, ma???

lindadanis Member Posts: 235
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
We are about to make an appt to see him. wondering if anyone else have seen him and what they think. please let me know. thanks linda


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  • LindsayBrown
    LindsayBrown Member Posts: 22
    we live in Boston
    We live in Boston. Dana Farber is connected with Massachusetts General, where my father is being seen. I wonder if I should have him see this doctor as well. Do you think it is possible even though he already has a team of doctors?

  • lindadanis
    lindadanis Member Posts: 235

    we live in Boston
    We live in Boston. Dana Farber is connected with Massachusetts General, where my father is being seen. I wonder if I should have him see this doctor as well. Do you think it is possible even though he already has a team of doctors?


    Lindsay, I would say yes, but I called this doctor's office and they said if my husband was in chemo, wait until all the sessions are done and then make an appt., they do not want to see us until all his chemo is over which isn't until end of March. How is your father doing at Mass General, what stage is he and is he doing chemo and what are the names of the drugs?
  • LindsayBrown
    LindsayBrown Member Posts: 22

    Lindsay, I would say yes, but I called this doctor's office and they said if my husband was in chemo, wait until all the sessions are done and then make an appt., they do not want to see us until all his chemo is over which isn't until end of March. How is your father doing at Mass General, what stage is he and is he doing chemo and what are the names of the drugs?

    doing good so far
    My father is doing well at Mass General. He completed his first round of chemo last week. Cisplatin un the hospital and 5Fu fanny pack at home. He's also having radiation there (28 days of it). He will have one more week of chemo next week. After chemo and radiation he will have another PET and probable surgery. He has been diagnosed with stage IV. Adendocarcinoa located at the stomach junction. 4 possible nodes involved. He calls his team of doctors "the dream team." I don't know how others feel after chemo and radiation but prior to him beginning treatment he wasn't eating anything other than soup and ensure and boost. Now he's eating grilled cheese sandwiches, steak, pancakes, sausages. The doctors are amazed! We are as well. He's gained 10 or 15 much needed pounds. He is moody and does get nauseus. He had some mouth sores and constipation but doing well. I don't think he wants to change doctors at this point. He told me that he would feel like he was insulting them. How is your husband's treatment going?

  • JennyHT
    JennyHT Member Posts: 1
    Yes, we saw this doctor and

    Yes, we saw this doctor and it was a mistake.  In fact,it cost my husband his life.  He will not do surgery which is the cure for colon cancer and will only treat with chemo. He would shoot down every option we brought to him and took away our hope. It wasn't until a women made a doctor review about him that I knew it wasn't just us.  We are highly educated and we have the courage to say that Dana Farber is running a PR scam.  They are great at research but they are not a hospital more of a clinic.  Therefore, you will not get surgery and you will be treated with chemo until the bitter end.  My husbannd often said they look at me like your still alive?  We have a six year old child and we brought her to appointments and he says, "If your looking for hope it's not me."  Without hope, you have already lost.  We went to MGH and they wanted to do surgery!!  It was too late after two years and the cancer then advanced to liver.  They wasted our time, took away our hope, and killed my young husband.  Run!