Thyroid Ultrasound

I will be going in the next few weeks to see if the nodules in my thyroid have enlarged enough to biopsy and I am very nervous. I was diagnosed with stage 1 grade 2 chromophobe this year and had a partial nephrectomy. I see on here where people keep saying that it is rare for this cancer to return, but I also see where this type of cancer lives in the blood, or stays in you and can return later. I read stories about people with the same type, grade, and stage who have it return and I can't help but feel as though I am not "CURED". I know as far as cancer's go and illness in general I was lucky, and I am grateful. I am also, scared out of my mind that this will return. I was 29 when I was diagnosed. Can anyone tell me if it is common for this to return when found at a younger age, and if it is known to return in the thyroid?


  • Texas_wedge
    Texas_wedge Member Posts: 2,798
    Thyroid US
    The approach your medical advisors are taking sounds sensible - to make sure you know what you're dealing with. How large was your original tumour?
    RCC can spread to any organ in the body but the thyroid is a rare destination so I'm guessing that further investigation will show that what you have in your thyroid isn't mets from your RCC.
    Being detected early and with stage 1 grade 2 chromophobe is very good news and makes it look still less likely you have a recurrence. I do have a little knowledge and a strong personal interest in your diagnosis. I was diagnosed almost a year ago, at 40 years older than you were at dx, with a large chromophobe tumour that was stage 4 and grade 4 and had already undergone the worst kind of pathological changes. So far, there's no sign of distant mets anywhere in my body; a further check will tell me in about a week's time whether my luck has held. I hope this comparison helps you to feel optimistic about your prospects.

    Please don't pay undue attention to the irrelevant parts of this brief paper, but a good recent, short report of a study on the subject can be found here:

    I hope the investigation shows that you don't have much to worry about and that it can be easily sorted out.