Newbie: B-Cell NHL

Folks24 Member Posts: 106
I joined this group back in 2007 as I got an "it might be some type of cancer" diagnosis from a dr. My diagnosis in 2009 was Sjogrens which is an auto-immune disease that is a cousin to the other ones. With that diagnosis I also knew there was a great precentage change of me getting another type.

Well a routine ct scan (I had one 2 yrs ago) found a lesion on my liver and I had a liver biopsy 4/20/12. On 4/24/12 the dr calls and the first words out of his mouth is "I have bad news." These drs really need to learn some tack or better phrases! He told me they found b-cell non-hodkins lymphoma cells. I have a consultation on 5/3/2012 with a hemotologist to find out more but basically just in the waiting, worrying and wondering mode.
Wish me luck with my consultation and the strength and fortitude to get through what I must. Thanks!


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Folks
    Hi Folks :).

    First of all, welcome back to the site. Also,good luck with your consultation on 5/3.
    I'm a recent survivor of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. Please know
    this is very treatable and there is hope.

    You might consider posting on the Lymphoma Board as lots
    of caring and supportive folks there.

    I just wanted you do know we're listening.

    Again, best of luck next week! You can do this.

    Hugs and positive thoughts,

    DX: DLBL 4/2011, Chemo completed 10/2011, currently in remission. :)
  • Toughasnails
    Toughasnails Member Posts: 12
    Not luck success
    I wish you success and a quick cure. I was healthy as a horse on 12/9/2011 at my physical, I had an infection return to my toe and went back to my doctor on 1/13/2012 nine short days after I asked the most unbelievable woman to marry me, my second marriage her first we are in our late 40's. The doc tells me I am anemic highly anemic, well more blood and he is in a panic off the hematologist I go. I have the same DX as you do except no tumors it is in my marrow.

    My blood are turning around my maroon is clear for the most part, the drugs work you will do really well. It is all attitude I served cancer an eviction notice and as soon as I did my blood counts did not drop not even a little. You do not have cancer anymore you are being cured of cancer as of this very second. In several months you will be a survivor.

    I am cheering for you.
    Tough as nails
  • winthefight
    winthefight Member Posts: 162
    We are here for you
    Hi Folks,

    I remember you. I think we joined this site around the same time. I too am a LDBC survivor. I think waiting for scan results can be such a scary situation. I get it. I hope everything turns out OK for you. Just know that we are here for you. We await your news.