port removal

RGW Member Posts: 60
I am getting my chemo port removed (a.k.a. "deportation") on Monday after 2 years of living most intimately with it. Has anyone had this done? What can I expect?


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Good luck!
    I looked on the breast cancer forum for this info because I knew there are threads there on what you want to know. I didn't get a port.


    Hope this helps.
  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 376 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Good luck!
    I looked on the breast cancer forum for this info because I knew there are threads there on what you want to know. I didn't get a port.


    Hope this helps.

    port removal
    Good luck with the removal. I had one removed 18 years ago. From what I remember, it seemed to be easier and faster than the insertion operation. I don't remember much from it, so I seem to think that's a good sign that it's a quick, uneventful op and recovery. I do remember, I was so much more comfortable not having to worry my infant daughter would push on it while I was holding her or that I would bump it somehow.

    This a landmark in your journey to celebrate. Best wishes!!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Late To The party...
    Sorry, I could have offered you some info when I had mine removed after two years. I was deported myself, even took a few photos, before and immediateoy after the port coming out.

    Port In

    Port Incision

    Port Removed

    But from the date of this post, I presume all went well, and it's all behind you now.
