Fatique - worse prognosis?

I am waiting for a specialist appointment. It has been so hard to wait. About 8 weeks ago, I had what I thought was a bladder infection but after three rounds of antibiotics the problem was still there....feeling I had to pee all the time and a burning discomfort in my bladder. Around that time, I started feeling severe fatique. My gp tried to convince me that it was all in my head but I begged for a specialist appointment. My question: does severe fatique mean that if this is bladder cancer, that it is in an advanced stage? The other question and please forgive me if this upsets some people.....if the cancer is at an advanced stage and not likely curable, I would like to save my family months of watching me decline. Could someone tell me about how one would take sleeping pills? Is this do-able? Sorry again for being so blunt but I don't know who to talk to.


  • wilsel
    wilsel Member Posts: 38
    Slow down, you're just at the beggining ........
    Please don't borrow trouble. You do have certain symptoms of bladder cancer, but those symptoms would fit other things as well. I can tell you that this is not the greatest site to get feedback on, as there is not enough activity. Try www.inspire.com/bladdercancer. There are many on there that will assist and guide you along the way. Take one day at a time and don't worry about dying a terrible death and considering things to shorten it. Man, you cart is way in front of your horses. Slow down!!! I had one of the most aggressive forms of bladder cancer there is and had my operation and now that 19 months has gone by since my surgery, I am in great shape.

    So, try to be a bit more positive and take things one step at a time. Get back in touch if you need anymore info or advice. wilsel@verizon.net

    C U,
    urostomy for bladder cancer staged 3a on June 30, 2010. Very aggressive tumor.
  • wilsel
    wilsel Member Posts: 38
    wilsel said:

    Slow down, you're just at the beggining ........
    Please don't borrow trouble. You do have certain symptoms of bladder cancer, but those symptoms would fit other things as well. I can tell you that this is not the greatest site to get feedback on, as there is not enough activity. Try www.inspire.com/bladdercancer. There are many on there that will assist and guide you along the way. Take one day at a time and don't worry about dying a terrible death and considering things to shorten it. Man, you cart is way in front of your horses. Slow down!!! I had one of the most aggressive forms of bladder cancer there is and had my operation and now that 19 months has gone by since my surgery, I am in great shape.

    So, try to be a bit more positive and take things one step at a time. Get back in touch if you need anymore info or advice. wilsel@verizon.net

    C U,
    urostomy for bladder cancer staged 3a on June 30, 2010. Very aggressive tumor.

    Sorry, I gave you wrong address
    Sorry, I gave you the wrong address for the bladder cancer network I was talking about. Below is the right address. You can simply copy and paste it into your browser. Hope you're feeling better.

    C U,

  • thisoldbroad
    thisoldbroad Member Posts: 3
    Just breathe..
    Honey, you're jumping so far ahead, stop plotting the end until you know exactly what is going on.

    I had the suspected bladder infection in October. My primary Dr insisted on 2 rounds of antibiotics, then 2 weeks to get the drugs out of my system before a CT scan & Urologist referral. My Urologist moved quickly (I don't remember all the technical procedure names), she looked with a scope in her office & identified a problem; we scheduled an out-patient scope procedure to get a biopsy & try to remove as much tumor as possible - but she couldn't get a clear view into the kidney tubes. The next day they performed a nephrostomy with a shunt into my bladder to drain my left kidney & stabilize me for 12 weeks of chemo before proceeding to surgery. (My cancer is t2 & into the bladder muscle & I'm waiting for biopsy results on a lymph node. I know the surgery will be complete removal of my bladder, female organs & possibly a lymph node.)

    Know what? I'm OK with that. I can live quite well without my bladder & uterus. You're fatigue could be more worry & panic than a sigh of 'the end'. Honey, you're NO WHERE NEAR THE END! My hospital & Dr's hooked me up with the best cancer resource team & they have been the greatest gift. So far they have helped me with transportation to treatments, info sources & support people. Connect with survivors on the various cancer websites & give yourself a break. This is the beginning of your fight, not the end. If you're already plotting your exit then you're robbing yourself & your family of time, love, laughter & hope.

    I lost my only child to a brain tumor in 1987 & to this day I'd still give anything to see 1 more smile. Hear 1 more laugh. Tell her I love her some more. Don't rob yourself or your family of those precious moments. Just breathe & let the Dr's & support team carry you through this rough spot. I have hope for both of us!
  • Ms Yiska
    Ms Yiska Member Posts: 2
    I like you was given the runaround my GPs and Urologists when about 2 and a half years ago, I started getting recurrent UTIs. I was just given antibiotics and send home againa and again and again. It got to the stage that I was so exhausted, living on pain killers and nausea pills and I had to eventually give up hours at work (which I loved) and when I went to the Urologist again, I really blew him up.

    "Why am I getting sicker and you're doing nothing about it. If this was Australia, you would be sued, you are just incompetent." Anyway to "shut me up" they did an ultrasound and found the tumour in my bladder, and now it has spread to my lungs.

    Unfortunately the law in New Zealand does not allow us to sue doctors, which makes me really, really angry, because it was their negligence that I had to give up work, go through 3 surgeries, (one major) and now have a short time to live.

    I also experience the exhaustion. Do not take your own life, but live each day .... as tho someone left the gate open. Have a much enjoyment as you can. Life is short enough without having to shorten it more.

    With warm wishes, Yiska