husband signed up to online dating



  • TKMomma
    TKMomma Member Posts: 54
    AMomNETN said:


    Excuse my language but what an ****!!! You should sign up too with fake everything and meet up with him. I'd love to see his face when you sat down. Sending many {{{{{Hugs}}}}}}


    Luv This
    what a great idea ..... I have a grin on my face just thinking of it. Go for it.
  • Findingout
    Findingout Member Posts: 132
    Wow, my thoughts are with
    Wow, my thoughts are with you. I'd be sick too... Some people sign on to those sites to email people and don't actually date. It is awful anyway, to find that out, such a betrayal. Sending you strength and spirit... LD