Cabin Fever

sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
I've been edgy this week. Lurking here, not really able to contribute. We had about 48 hours of Spring-like weather Thursday & Friday. Went to the library, picked up a book that was on the reading post, also a fabulous cookie cookbook. I was on my lunch hour and hadn't eaten yet. If I make any of those recipes, I won't even be able to waddle, let alone walk when the weather changes.

Anyway, today we have Lake Effect snow and high sustained winds with gusts up to 60 - 70 mph. I am so glad I went to the library! I already read one book, if I go thru the other this fast, I will be forced to bake some of those cookies. Help!



  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    I've just discovered free ExerciseTV
    Hi, Sue -

    If you have cable TV, and have never checked out their Free On Demand section (I didn't even know it was there!), you might see if they have ExerciseTV. I just discovered it a couple of weeks ago -- it's an often-changing list of exercise videos, including yoga, meditation, cardio, pilates, you name it, all for free.

    Don't look at me like that, Sue -- there's a plan here. Bake some cookies, do a little exercise...bake some more cookies, do a little exercise...later, rinse, repeat.

    :-) Traci
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    TraciInLA said:

    I've just discovered free ExerciseTV
    Hi, Sue -

    If you have cable TV, and have never checked out their Free On Demand section (I didn't even know it was there!), you might see if they have ExerciseTV. I just discovered it a couple of weeks ago -- it's an often-changing list of exercise videos, including yoga, meditation, cardio, pilates, you name it, all for free.

    Don't look at me like that, Sue -- there's a plan here. Bake some cookies, do a little exercise...bake some more cookies, do a little exercise...later, rinse, repeat.

    :-) Traci

    Oh Traci, how you make me laugh
    Excercise, tee hee! Seriously, I will check it out. Just made a cup of tea and settling down with 2nd book. I am a read-aholic. When I start, it's very hard to stop. I am a marathon reader. Pick it up, put it down when it's done.

    Thanks for the advice! And if I come across an excellent cookie recipe, I'll share the recipe, not the cookies. I'm like that.

  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    From a Floridian's point of view...that lifestyle sounds fabulous!! Were you off work, too?
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Snow again tonight
    We've got a ft. of snow forecasted for tonight/tomorrow - wind chill shouldn't be too bad as temps are going into the minus teens with single digit high tomorrow (right now it's 15F) but wind gusts are only to be in the high teens/low twenties.

    We did get a few decent days but not enough to suit me. One of my silly bougainvillas (tropical plants - they live inside in front of the windows during winter) has decided to bloom.

  • ElizabethB
    ElizabethB Member Posts: 89
    TraciInLA said:

    I've just discovered free ExerciseTV
    Hi, Sue -

    If you have cable TV, and have never checked out their Free On Demand section (I didn't even know it was there!), you might see if they have ExerciseTV. I just discovered it a couple of weeks ago -- it's an often-changing list of exercise videos, including yoga, meditation, cardio, pilates, you name it, all for free.

    Don't look at me like that, Sue -- there's a plan here. Bake some cookies, do a little exercise...bake some more cookies, do a little exercise...later, rinse, repeat.

    :-) Traci

    make my day
    You just made my day sounds like a xoxo
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I know you're eager for this
    cold weather to be over with Sue, especially if you're an outdoors person. A good book and cookies sound really good though.

    Think of you! Let us know if it's a good book. I know there are lots of ladies who LOVE to read and share opinions on books.


  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    sbmly53 said:

    Oh Traci, how you make me laugh
    Excercise, tee hee! Seriously, I will check it out. Just made a cup of tea and settling down with 2nd book. I am a read-aholic. When I start, it's very hard to stop. I am a marathon reader. Pick it up, put it down when it's done.

    Thanks for the advice! And if I come across an excellent cookie recipe, I'll share the recipe, not the cookies. I'm like that.


    Enjoy your time Sue, doing
    Enjoy your time Sue, doing whatever will make you feel good. Winter will soon be over and you can get out a lot more!

    Hugs, Angie
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    know exactly what you're feeling. Thursday and Friday were a sneak peak at spring and felt wonderful. Today is freezing and extremely windy! Still have high snow banks and can't wait for winter to be over......
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    know exactly what you're feeling. Thursday and Friday were a sneak peak at spring and felt wonderful. Today is freezing and extremely windy! Still have high snow banks and can't wait for winter to be over......

    Oh, Sue--being a fellow New Yorker,
    I feel your pain. The longer the winter drags on, the harder those snowfalls are to tolerate. Sounds like you've got it handled though--all you can do is read that good book, curl up and stay warm. Hope your parents are doing well.

    Hugs, Renee