Chemo cocktail

ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181

I am doing Chemo .The drugs are Paclitaxel and Carbopltin for Ovarian Cancer.Any input about these would be appriatted.Thank you


  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Here's what I know

    But take it with a grain of salt because it is anecdotal, not medical.  I've had several friends with uterine or ovarian cancer.  They all had the cocktail you are receiving.  Seems to be what is most effective I guess.  I also volunteer as a peer navigator for newly diagnosed cancer patients and am helping a patient who has breast cancer and is  triple negative.  That is the cocktail that was recommended for her triple negative breast cancer (followed by Adriamyacin and Cytoxin).  I also helped a lady who was HER-2+ and that's what she had (along with Herceptin) but she had Taxotere instead of Taxol, but both taxanes.  So what I know (not much) is that this is a pretty common and probably standard of care for ovarian, uterine, and some breast cancers.  I hope your experience is uneventful on this cocktail.  For the women I know, it was perfectly fine for some and not so fine for others.  Just like any other chemo - doable, but can bring on its own problems.

    Good luck.
