OT...but something that calms me, and makes me smile....

KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
I bought a multi-station bird feeder! It's right outside my window! Filled with all sorts of different treats (well, seeds, anyway).

I LOVE watching the birds...Because it's spring, there are even little ones, always begging for a meal...*smile*. And there are some birds that I don't recognize that just come occasionally, and then I break open my book and have great fun identifying them. I will never become a 'birder', but this is a great entertainment for me! I keep my camera and my binoculars handy, just to see close up. (Although I don't look when they take a bath in the water...lol!).

Mostly we have finches, it seems like one flock lives in our tree. We have one female finch that comes and takes a bath, and seems to enjoy it alot....she gets everyone else wet with her splashing, and that is funny! But we have also 2 mating pairs of Mourning Doves, and a pair of Goldfinches, and many, many sparrows. I put the feeder pole inside the umbrella ring of a table I wasn't using, so that the spill from the feeders can be reached by the bigger birds...

It does take a bit of commitment...keeping everything filled now that the word has made it thru the 'birdvine', and I need to change the water everyday because it gets seeds in it. But 5 minutes of work, and investment in seeds from my local 99cent only store, provides all-day entertainment!

Hugs, Kathi


  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    yay for spring and birds
    Hi Kathi,

    That's great- I love watching birds too, but I don't have a feeder. My dogs and cats would be too entertained by the birds, much to the birds' detriment. :)

    But, I too love looking at and trying to identify what birds are what.
    Glad you have something to calm you that you enjoy. Thanks for sharing-

  • daBeachBum
    daBeachBum Member Posts: 164
    The Birds
    I live next to the wetlands and the bay and there are thousands of birds here (and opossums, skunks, raccoons etc etc). It is cool to watch them do their thing. There are a lot of hawks, so unfortunately we sometimes see the uglier side of the "circle of life"

    In the next few weeks it will be time for the Diamondback Terrapin moms to crawl up to lay their eggs in my backyard. In August the babies hatch and make a mad dash back for the reeds...
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Just got both my song bird feeder and finch feeder put up this weekend. Just have to do the hummingbird feeders and then sit back and watch God's beauty right in my back yard. The only problem is the large black birds. Once they discover my song bird feeder they take over and eat the seed leaving little or nothing for my other birds. My husband offers to get the sling shot out but don't ever take him up on it :) although sometimes I'd like to.

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    I love Birdfeeders and Bird watching. They each have their own personality. Many years ago I was breeding finches and always had a difficult time to sell the young ones off when they were full grown. I also had different types of Canaries.
    Out in the country were my friend lives we have many different birds so I have 4 different feeders up, even the woodpeckers have their own station. Than there is "Charlie" the squirl, he also has his own station because he knows he is not alowed on the feeders, they go down the moment he sits on it.
    Spring is great when the birds come out to play.
    Enjoy, I know I do,
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    Just got both my song bird feeder and finch feeder put up this weekend. Just have to do the hummingbird feeders and then sit back and watch God's beauty right in my back yard. The only problem is the large black birds. Once they discover my song bird feeder they take over and eat the seed leaving little or nothing for my other birds. My husband offers to get the sling shot out but don't ever take him up on it :) although sometimes I'd like to.


    I like it kathi,it's one thing that relax me a lot ,too!
    unfortunately here in the town there are only doves , wing rats , in my opinion , swifts ,and sparrows! nothing very interesting !.
    Can you make some pics of the birds?.
    Hugs dear!
  • AncientTiger
    AncientTiger Member Posts: 130
    If you like watching birds
    Then plant a buckeye tree. When they bloom, the hummingbirds swarm them like bees to a daisy patch. I can still remember the first house my wife and I lived in had one in the side yard, and one day I had just shut off the lawn mower right beside it, heard the "buzzing" VERY loudly, and was afraid I had just roused a bee's nest or something.

    Nope, it was those funny little birds buzzing around, having a field day on those buckeye blossoms. There were DOZENS of them up in there. I just sat at the foot of the tree, looking up into the branches in wonderment... the little fellars buzzing around my face, curious as heck about ME too. LOL
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    I love it! What a pretty feeder.
