Radiation Question

LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member

My friend is going through radiation now and her skin is turning really red. She would like to know if you had any suggestions for her on what to use. She is currently using a cream, but wants to know if any of you used any natural things to help it heal (and for the burn).

Thanks for your help.


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Aloe and AquaPhor. Both
    Aloe and AquaPhor. Both worked well the last time, and I just started Rads again yesterday so it is ready! I also took Aveno baths, but my radiation was to the hips/pelvic/tailbone regions, and it is to the tailbone again this time. So I plan on the same regimen...
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    Great question
    I am taking notes.. LOL

    I did hear aloe vera is very soothing. Either the natural plant or gel version found in the sunscreen isles of most stores. I believe something called Aquahor was also mentioned. I will now sit back with a pencil and paper and take notes.

  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    Be sure to check with the doctor
    before using anything! My RO would not let me use aloe until the 4th week. Until then only AquaFor.
  • NJMom10
    NJMom10 Member Posts: 176
    Aveeno dry skin cream
    I am using Aveeno dry skin cream. It comes in a tub not a tube...rad onc believes the tub form is better because it's thicker than what comes in the tube. They don't like aquaphor for some reason.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I dont' remember the name
    but my cancer ctr gave me handfuls of samples...
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    camul said:

    Aloe and AquaPhor. Both
    Aloe and AquaPhor. Both worked well the last time, and I just started Rads again yesterday so it is ready! I also took Aveno baths, but my radiation was to the hips/pelvic/tailbone regions, and it is to the tailbone again this time. So I plan on the same regimen...

    Thanks for the suggestions but
    I am using both Aloe and Aquaphor and Xclair for the burn. This is more like a fungus type thing. The line directly under the breast is raw and there are puss looking dots that are spreading. The 2 scripts aren't working and now I'm using the athletes foot cream. I was just wondering if there is anything that some-one has used for this fungus type rash. SO far my docs have only suggested the 2 things I am using. Sometimes you ladies know more than they do : )

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    robang13 said:

    Thanks for the suggestions but
    I am using both Aloe and Aquaphor and Xclair for the burn. This is more like a fungus type thing. The line directly under the breast is raw and there are puss looking dots that are spreading. The 2 scripts aren't working and now I'm using the athletes foot cream. I was just wondering if there is anything that some-one has used for this fungus type rash. SO far my docs have only suggested the 2 things I am using. Sometimes you ladies know more than they do : )


    The 2 things that I would
    The 2 things that I would ask Dr about using are Sulfadene/Silvadene (script) or Domeboro soaks (OTC). After Rads I burned very bad (thankfully it never infected), I'm allergic to sulfa so Sulfadene/Silvadene could not be used on it. What finally worked was Domeboro soaks (Dr's recomendation). If you are having oozing(pus) it might help but be sure to clear it with your DR. It's available at almost any durgstore - some you have to ask for it from behind the counter as they keep it back there, some don't and keep it out on shelves. It's a powder you mix with water and then saturate a cloth with it and hold against the area for 20 min.

    Aloe does have a soothing effect but for me it didn't get the healing that Domeboro did. I had a huge tub of Aloe plants and I all but killed it taking the leaves to use - that was over a year ago and it's finally back to about 1/8th of what it had been.

  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    Rague said:

    The 2 things that I would
    The 2 things that I would ask Dr about using are Sulfadene/Silvadene (script) or Domeboro soaks (OTC). After Rads I burned very bad (thankfully it never infected), I'm allergic to sulfa so Sulfadene/Silvadene could not be used on it. What finally worked was Domeboro soaks (Dr's recomendation). If you are having oozing(pus) it might help but be sure to clear it with your DR. It's available at almost any durgstore - some you have to ask for it from behind the counter as they keep it back there, some don't and keep it out on shelves. It's a powder you mix with water and then saturate a cloth with it and hold against the area for 20 min.

    Aloe does have a soothing effect but for me it didn't get the healing that Domeboro did. I had a huge tub of Aloe plants and I all but killed it taking the leaves to use - that was over a year ago and it's finally back to about 1/8th of what it had been.


    Thank You so much!! I will
    Thank You so much!! I will ask about this tomorrow. Hopefully my local CVS will have it!

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    robang13 said:

    Thank You so much!! I will
    Thank You so much!! I will ask about this tomorrow. Hopefully my local CVS will have it!


    Should have it
    CVS should have it. You may find it on the shelves but might not so just ask at the counter you'd pick meds up at - some keep it back there. Totally off topic but since I used the Domoboro soaks on me, I've found out that it works great for soaking abcesses on horse hooves. Doe, Hubby's gelding, is very bad about getting abcesses if he gets a stone bruise so I deal with soaking him at least every 6 months - sometimes more often - depends on how much he's worked and the terrain worked on. I've always used Epsom Salts soaks which is good but the last time I used Domeboro and it healed in about 1/2 the time - so it is now a staple in Horse Med. Box too.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    I dont' remember the name
    but my cancer ctr gave me handfuls of samples...

    My rads oncologist gave me
    My rads oncologist gave me Biafine for any burn that I might get and Aquaphor to keep my skin moist and soft. Your friend needs to ask her own rads oncologist what to use. She can always tell him what we have said here, and, it might be his choices for her too. I wish her good luck.

    Sue :)
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    Ritzy said:

    My rads oncologist gave me
    My rads oncologist gave me Biafine for any burn that I might get and Aquaphor to keep my skin moist and soft. Your friend needs to ask her own rads oncologist what to use. She can always tell him what we have said here, and, it might be his choices for her too. I wish her good luck.

    Sue :)

    Aloe was approved hands down by my RO but they gave me hands full of samples. Everything they gave me stained my t-shirts (those men's white t-shirts that we all suggest you wear and turn inside out). Aloe was okay until I had open blisters. I was told by the Dr. to use Neosporin plus pain relief and that was wonderful. When things had healed a little more I used Gold Bond Ultimate Soothing which is fragrance free. Now you can hardly see the tan lines. (finished rads 3/30)

    Good luck to your friend! Run anything past the RO for approval!!!