Question: Understanding "Cancer"

LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
I have a question about Cancer. And I apologize in advance if this is offensive to anyone here. My intentions are not to hurt anyone as I too am going through this.

When you're diagnosed with "Cancer", and they remove it from your body (clear margins) and give you treatment, does this mean you "had" cancer? I know we all need to continue to check ourselves, and probably continue treatment (like pills), but is this a "just in case" it wants to come back event or is it because cancer is still in the body? I am also curious to know how many people here have had a re-occurrence while being treated.

I am just trying to understand theoretically what it means. To my understanding, you can have cancerous cells, and these can be treated (sometimes) with treatments, like with chemo. But Doctors don't really know this because cells are microscopic. When there is a "cancer", it means tumors are present because of these cells. Tumors that are malignant are cancers. Am I correct?

Thanks for your input on this. I just want to understand more about this illness.


  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    I would like to know these
    I would like to know these things that you mentioned as well.
    I know there are ladies who are in the medical field that can shed some light on these questions.
    Good post.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I am IBC but currently riding NED
    As I've been told - the best we can get is NED - No Evidence of Disease - as at this time there is no cure for cancer so it is always with us. The odds of mets are very different with different types of cancer (All cancer is not the same - all breast cancer is not the same.) and rather or not lymph nodes were involved. For me - I'm IBC - not great odds (depending on the study, a 25% - 45% chance of making it for 5 yrs.) - others have better odds (overall odds for BC making it to 5 yrs is 87%). But to me personally - my odds of mets are either 0% or 100% as I can't sort of get mets; either I do (100%) or I don't (0%). At this time, I'm riding NED for over a year after last TX (well other than my daily Femara) and Aug will be 2 years since DX.

    There are not always 'tumors/lumps' - IBC usually does not present as a 'tumor' in that it is not a 'nice little lump' - it 'nests' or 'bands' with no margins which is why it usually has to have neo-adjunct Chemo before there is hope of a surgeon 'getting' it.

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Rague said:

    I am IBC but currently riding NED
    As I've been told - the best we can get is NED - No Evidence of Disease - as at this time there is no cure for cancer so it is always with us. The odds of mets are very different with different types of cancer (All cancer is not the same - all breast cancer is not the same.) and rather or not lymph nodes were involved. For me - I'm IBC - not great odds (depending on the study, a 25% - 45% chance of making it for 5 yrs.) - others have better odds (overall odds for BC making it to 5 yrs is 87%). But to me personally - my odds of mets are either 0% or 100% as I can't sort of get mets; either I do (100%) or I don't (0%). At this time, I'm riding NED for over a year after last TX (well other than my daily Femara) and Aug will be 2 years since DX.

    There are not always 'tumors/lumps' - IBC usually does not present as a 'tumor' in that it is not a 'nice little lump' - it 'nests' or 'bands' with no margins which is why it usually has to have neo-adjunct Chemo before there is hope of a surgeon 'getting' it.


    perfectly reasonable question
    My Onc. told me after the mastectomy that my Oncology team now considers me cancer free. They cut it out. It's gone. The chemo and rads were to seek and destroy any random cells
    hiding and waiting to start a new cancer somewhere else , and the Tamoxifen hopefully will stop any new ones from startng. I think once you are NED you can say you "had" cancer.
    At least that's the way I'm starting to feel about it now that I've passed my 2 year mark.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    very good point
    I recently went with my hubby to HIS Doctor-I am not sure why he asked me..but he said
    "HOW is your health" ? are you healthy???? My exact works were: depends on what you call Healthy! I have ulcertive colitis and HAD BREAST Cancter about 2+ yrs ago. He never said a word or commented..

    UNTIL I came to this site..I just would say to people I HAD BC...when I came here I realized I am survior.

    SO I am going to keep checking back to see responses..
