Remember we are all different!

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
PLEASE! Remember when you say what your experiences have been that they are just that- your experiences! Not fact for others. Does not mean that will happen with/for other. Nobody has gone through what I have - can some else (or I) offer my experiences you betcha but that doesn't mean that anyone else will live through what any one has lived through.

This does come up every so often here - 'Such N Such' will happen!". NO there is no guarantee that 'it' WILL happen or not happen- it may happen but there is no absolute way of knowing what WILL happen. We are each unique - PLEASE remember that.

Everybody should definately give their experiences but that does not mean that it will happen to/with anyoone else exactly.



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I totally agree....I have had some side effects on misc med and the dr said that IS NOT one of the side effects..I said well it is to me...

    SUCH as BAD...headaches...go off med and headaches disappear...

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    I totally agree....I have had some side effects on misc med and the dr said that IS NOT one of the side effects..I said well it is to me...

    SUCH as BAD...headaches...go off med and headaches disappear...


    So true
    This is something I know after being told over and over by my bc surgeon. I bring up other friends and relatives and their hard journey(some have passed) and he quickly says"Everyone is different."

    I have people say"Oh I am so sorry you have cancer" it is a terrible disease and so and so died".I will just say "Yes it is terrible but everyone is different".

    Don't know how some of you feel but those who find out about us having it think we aren't going to make it much longer.But we are all different.When my friend was diagnosed with a invasive cancer 16 years ago I felt that way.I wanted her to do the aggressive treatment.Her doctor said lumpectomy was fine and it doesn't matter.Her doctor said"People are living just as long with a lumpectomy as a mascetomy". It worked for my friend but doesn't mean it would work for me or someone else.

    Lynn Smith
  • pscheer
    pscheer Member Posts: 56 Member
    Everyone is differnt
    I agree! I wish we could have "But remember, everyone is different" and "It worked for me but be sure to check with your Dr. to see if it's ok for you" added to our post automatically!