Today is my sixth chemo!

heidijez Member Posts: 441
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have mixed feelings about today - it's my last chemo . . .or is it??? The surgeon wants to do a mastectomy right away. The oncologist wants to do a petscan to see where we are. He said it's possible that I will need further chemo (with different drugs) before the breast can be removed. What if I don't want that? How much say do I have in what happens to me?


  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Ultimately you have ALL the
    Ultimately you have ALL the say. It's your body and your life. They can tell you what they want to do, but that is YOUR decision. I'd weigh everything they are saying and there is always that 2nd opinion if you are not sure.

    Chemo does work on tumors. Chemo is not always easy but is one in a series of treatments that seems to work. If you believe in prayer, I would also pray for a quiet moment and divine guidance. My ultimate goal was to irradicate the cancer from my body agressively the best way possible. I got a 2nd opinion and stayed with the 2nd group. I'm very pleased although cancer treatment is no walk in the park. I wanted a mastectomy but my surgeon in the 2nd group felt that it was not necessary. I had a lumpectomy and removal of the lymph nodes. I had 8 rounds of chemo and am now moving on to radiation.

    I'll say a prayer for you that you can come to terms with the medical suggestions being made. We are in this to save our life and we must remember that it is OUR life. We pay the doctors for their knowledge, and it is important to be able to trust them and also be comfortable with the choices we make for our treatment and our life.

    Wishing you much peace with your decisons and sending a bunch of cyber hugs.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Heidi, I agree with
    Heidi, I agree with everything Natly said. It is your decision and only your decision. Just make sure your understand ALL your options and pick what is the BEST for YOU! Then, try not to second guess yourself and complete your treatment plan, whatever that is!! We'll be here to help support your decision and get you through to NED! Good luck and sending strength your way to make these lifesaving decisions.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Heidi, I agree with
    Heidi, I agree with everything Natly said. It is your decision and only your decision. Just make sure your understand ALL your options and pick what is the BEST for YOU! Then, try not to second guess yourself and complete your treatment plan, whatever that is!! We'll be here to help support your decision and get you through to NED! Good luck and sending strength your way to make these lifesaving decisions.

    I also agree. This is your
    I also agree. This is your life, your treatment, your decision. Find out all that you can and weigh the facts to see what is best for you.

    Good luck!
  • Youcandothis
    Youcandothis Member Posts: 79
    Kylez said:

    I also agree. This is your
    I also agree. This is your life, your treatment, your decision. Find out all that you can and weigh the facts to see what is best for you.

    Good luck!

    I agree with previous posts
    Just want to add two things: this beast comes in so many forms it's easy to feel out of control. Don't give in to that, you make the decisions and participate in your treatment. Secondly, you're feeling awful right about now. Give yourself time to recover before you decide. Do some research and make your decision after you've finished this most recent reaction. Good luck!
  • aztec45
    aztec45 Member Posts: 757
    You Decide
    I agree with the ladies. It is your body; do what you think is the best for you and your health, but you should weigh out the good and the bad.

  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    aztec45 said:

    You Decide
    I agree with the ladies. It is your body; do what you think is the best for you and your health, but you should weigh out the good and the bad.


    Do what is best for your
    Do what is best for your health and for your life. You will make the right decision.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • rosebud5
    rosebud5 Member Posts: 15
    do what feels best for you
    My mom had a very advanced stage of breast cancer 9 years ago. The surgeon was the one that did the biopsy for the diagnois. He sent her to the chemo doctor. They decided that 3 rounds of chemo was needed before the mascetomy to shrink the size of the tumor. Then after the masctomy she had three more rounds of chemo. I'm not sure but I think the 1st 3 rounds were Acrimcyn/cytoxan and the 3 rounds after the mascetomy included taxol or taxtere. Again I'm not postive of the drug names. After that she had radiation. She came out great!!
    She didn't get a petscan before the surgery, but I don't remember her getting and mri either to see how much it shrunk. (although I can see why she may have had one.) ANYWAY, I agree with the others. Get the chemo Dr & surgeon to talk to each other, or at least get the reason for having the petscan before the surgury and why and when does the chemo doc want additional chemos. Your are in my prayers! It is your decision. Do what you feel best with. Once you decide don't second quess yourself, because you made the best decision you could at that place and time.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    MyTurnNow said:

    Heidi, I agree with
    Heidi, I agree with everything Natly said. It is your decision and only your decision. Just make sure your understand ALL your options and pick what is the BEST for YOU! Then, try not to second guess yourself and complete your treatment plan, whatever that is!! We'll be here to help support your decision and get you through to NED! Good luck and sending strength your way to make these lifesaving decisions.

    I am in agreement with
    I am in agreement with everyone that posted here. Research and understand all of your options. Then, YOU decide what you want and what is best for YOU! Wishing you luck!