after receiving rituxan side effects



  • JoanieP
    JoanieP Member Posts: 573
    twinhous said:

    Chills, runny nose, cough
    Just discoverd this site today. I've avoided internet searching since my dx in Nov. 09. NHL Follicular, grade 3 b cell stage III. When I heard this verdict I immediately searched it and was too upset to read any further than the statistics. I have had 6 rounds of R-CHOP ending MArch 8. Now I'm on the Rituxan treatment. Infusion every 2 months for 2 years. Runny nose, annoying night time cough. Chills in the evening were solved by nightly hot baths. But then I would be hot and sweaty when I went to bed. Have been having problems with my mouth through out the chemo and now a feeling of slight swelling and extreme sensitivity to acidic and hot spicey foods. Dr. said my mouth should be better but offered no solutions. My dentist suggested Biotene products for dry mouth. The runny nose has subsided with daily does of Loratidane (Clariton). I also have periotic involuntary eye movement. Eye doctor gave me a good check-up and all is well.
    Glad to here your turning to your church. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my church support. The heavens have been bombarded with prayers for me. I find I can't pray for myself but I can pray for others and I now I'll include you and all others who are turning to this site for advice and support.

    Hi Twinhous
    I can relate. I had my last chemo July 2009 for 3a NHL(follicular) I still have the runny nose, and sore throat. I need to go back on acid reflux medicine as the ent Dr. said it was from that. Never had that before chemo. I have had 3 rounds of rituxin. I think my night time cough is from drainage. I also have been using the nettie pot as I seemed to always have what feels like a small sinus headache at night. The chills are just about gone. I hope you are gaining your strength back. Prayers and my faith have gotten me this far. Prayers for you. Joanie
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    JoanieP said:

    Hi Twinhous
    I can relate. I had my last chemo July 2009 for 3a NHL(follicular) I still have the runny nose, and sore throat. I need to go back on acid reflux medicine as the ent Dr. said it was from that. Never had that before chemo. I have had 3 rounds of rituxin. I think my night time cough is from drainage. I also have been using the nettie pot as I seemed to always have what feels like a small sinus headache at night. The chills are just about gone. I hope you are gaining your strength back. Prayers and my faith have gotten me this far. Prayers for you. Joanie

  • Gihan_Jay
    Gihan_Jay Member Posts: 1
    COBRA666 said:


    nothing but pain

    Hi everyone,


    I am new to this website and still finding out about some of the questions that are yet to be answered. As most of you, I too have pains in the lower back due to my tumor and radiation. I was advised to go for Epidural shots and it has helped me a great deal in dealing with that issue. I have finished my 4 week initial treatement and my second maintainance treatment of Rituxin. I have noticed somethings severe leg cramps. I wonder if anyone is having the same problems as I am. I have to go for another CT scan with contrast next month.


    Blass you all





  • Gihan_Jay said:

    nothing but pain

    Hi everyone,


    I am new to this website and still finding out about some of the questions that are yet to be answered. As most of you, I too have pains in the lower back due to my tumor and radiation. I was advised to go for Epidural shots and it has helped me a great deal in dealing with that issue. I have finished my 4 week initial treatement and my second maintainance treatment of Rituxin. I have noticed somethings severe leg cramps. I wonder if anyone is having the same problems as I am. I have to go for another CT scan with contrast next month.


    Blass you all






    I have had bout 20 rituxan infusions. It seems to be working but its no free ride. I have several side effects including the leg pains/cramps and mild neuropathy. I started with 8 weekly infusions followed by one infusion every 8 weeks for 2 years. Just grin and bear it and be thankful for how it works. It appears to be the least side effects of any of the treatments Available. But make no mistake - there is a price to pay.