In Memory of my Sweet Mama

KFen725 Member Posts: 108 Member
edited March 2014 in In Loving Memory #1
My mom Mickey was diagnosed at age 61 of Stage IV colon cancer with mets to the liver last June 2009. She passed away March 13th of this year and I miss her every moment of every day. She was mom to four children including myself (from ages 20 to 30) and was an amazing mom and wife.

She will always live on in my heart!



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Kelly

    My Mother also passed away of colon cancer she fought it to the very end with all she had, that was 20 years ago and I still can’t help but to remember her, nest month June 25 was moms birthday. There are something’s that we just never forget about them.

    God be with you
  • jminc
    jminc Member Posts: 3
    Hondo said:

    Hi Kelly

    My Mother also passed away of colon cancer she fought it to the very end with all she had, that was 20 years ago and I still can’t help but to remember her, nest month June 25 was moms birthday. There are something’s that we just never forget about them.

    God be with you

    my mama
    My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 1/2 years ago, and she passed away may 22nd, i am 25 and it is very hard because i also lost my father 2 years ago in a accident which was a complete shock, i was just looking for someone to talk to who can relate to losing a mother??
  • michelle1966
    michelle1966 Member Posts: 2
    So lost...
    I'm so sorry for all of your losses. I lost my beloved mom to Stage IV Colon cancer on 7/7/07. She was my best friend. She was only 60. I thought she was invincible. Boy, was I wrong. 13 months later, I lost my 2nd wonderful MIL to Leukemia, after being in remission for 10 years from Stage IV Breast Cancer. She'd just turned 76. To have the 2 most important women in my life pass away so close to one another has been very difficult. My children have no grandparents living now. My husband and I are adult orphans. I hurts to my very soul. I feel as if I'm in a nightmare.