a question for William Marshall

lindadanis Member Posts: 235
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hi, I am new to this site but noticed you are always on it with such great opinions and advice so I thought I would write to you. My husband, age 55, was diagnosed with stage four with mets to liver, stomach and behind lung in October 2009. We went to three oncologists for their opinions and all pretty much said the same, you have six months or less to live, we suggest chemo, no surgery and maybe radiation. After much thought, we decided on an oncologist but my husband waited eight weeks and then started his first chemo the first of december. We just ended his second session of cisplatin and cpt11. We are doing one day a week for about 6 hours at the cancer center, then iv fluids next day, his schedule is as follows: two weeks on, one week off, this is a total session, doctor has ordered six sessions. My question is why are all the doctors saying no surgery, is it because there is too much blockage in his esophagus, I am not understanding this or are they waiting for the chemo to strink it before opting surgery., I have read alot about radiation and all the bad side affects of it, would you recommend it? I know you are a survivor but I don't know what stage you were when diagnosed? He is not eating well, only drinks liquids maybe an egg in the morning and clear soup broth for lunch and dinner., he has lost 66 pounds since last September. what can I do to get him to eat more, any advice on his treatment?
thank you so much. Linda


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  • MAE66
    MAE66 Member Posts: 66
    Linda, I know you are
    Linda, I know you are looking for William's input, so instead of posting a reply here, I sent you an e mail thru CSN.

  • MAE66 said:

    Linda, I know you are
    Linda, I know you are looking for William's input, so instead of posting a reply here, I sent you an e mail thru CSN.


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