Can't relax...

lisaonthenet Member Posts: 69

Everyone tells me to take some time for me and I get that but it seems like every time I try to 'relax' and I do mean try, something happens or comes up. I just don't think it's possible. Right now Kelly is using the wheelchair for the most part and the walker to take as few steps as possible due to the pain in her left hip and right knee/femur, so I worry about blood clots in her legs. I express my concern but her pain is so severe right now, for her to be able to walk much more than she is.

There's no such thing as relaxing without worry...



  • pipwe1
    pipwe1 Member Posts: 53
    Hey Lisa....

    sorry I haven't posted in a while... i am reading everyday and keeping up with whats happening with you and kelly..
    Just try and get some rest when you can... I know you are strong.... you need to be with Kelly right now but you also need to make sure you don't make yourself sick from lack of rest....

    talk soon thoughts and prayers

  • lisaonthenet
    lisaonthenet Member Posts: 69
    pipwe1 said:

    Hey Lisa....

    sorry I haven't posted in a while... i am reading everyday and keeping up with whats happening with you and kelly..
    Just try and get some rest when you can... I know you are strong.... you need to be with Kelly right now but you also need to make sure you don't make yourself sick from lack of rest....

    talk soon thoughts and prayers


    Hi Wendy,

    Got sick but have recovered : - ) What can ya do!?!

    Meditation? Never tried it and not sure I could but may try...
