Dearest Friends!!!

andreae Member Posts: 236
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
How I have missed you all! I'm listening to "You Shook Me All Night Long"... Isn't that the most awesome song? Okay, chemobrain, getting sidetracked... I hope everyone is doing well and I think of all of you often. I keep you all, survivors and caregivers, close in my thoughts, heart and prayers.

As for me, I have been doing Avastin down in Burlington (on a compassionate basis... gotta love Genentech!) and FOLFOX - four pukey days, but ten FABULOUS ones, so it's worth it. Isn't summer wonderful?
Unfortunately, my tumor markers are rising (double what they were at diagnosis) so that is just plain sucky. We are doing tons of tests this week - ultrasound, chest CT, spinal MRI. With metastatic CRC the fun just never seems to stop, does it?! Looking forward to a BORING rest of my life, filled with porridge, socks with sandals and predictability! Anyone want to join me in a rocking chair! Please, if you could all keep your fingers crossed and send up some prayers and warm vibes, I could really use them. I'm writing my last exam, starting another degree in the fall, going to Europe with a girlfriend, the Maritimes with my family, a retreat with some friends, a spa with my mom, maybe Vegas in October (hoping to meet the semi-colons)... I'm happy and excited and just so happy. I just REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, want to stay well and enjoy the summer. I just don't want to even entertain the thoughts of bad news.

Okay, I'm pushing the negativity aside and embracing denial now. Love and hugs to all. I hope you are enjoying this wonderful Tuesday. Have you heard the song "Mr.Brightside" by The Killers. If you haven't, look into it. Again, excellent song.



  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Andrea -

    As always - you ROCK.

    See you in Vegas!!

    - SpongeBob
  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    All my prayers and thoughts and vibes are being sent to you. You are awesome........can't wait to see you in Vegas.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Sweet Baby Girl!!!!!! VIVA LAS VEGAS!!!!

    Keep those feet warm in your summer travels. You are my hero!!!!

    FYI, You are always in my prayers already but I will rachet it up right away.

    Lisa P.
  • CAMaura
    CAMaura Member Posts: 719 Member
    Hi Andreae,

    Wow, what an inspiration you are!! Nothing is getting you down and I so appreciate reading your post. Hope to see you in Vegas as well. Your summer plans sound incredible!

    Cheers and best wishes,
  • JKendall
    JKendall Member Posts: 186
    Andrea...a rocking chair and porridge?!?! Sounds like ONLY IF the rocking chair is mounted on a mega-roller-coaster and the porridge is the breakfast appetizer just before you ride out on a Harley chopper with Ted Nugent (aka the Motor City Madman) with your hair on fire and wearing leather pants. Reading that again, I agree it doesn't make a lot of sense but you get my drift...I don't think you're slowin' down for anything! Socks and sandals, PLEASE!!!!

    Have fun! Jimmy
  • RunnerZ
    RunnerZ Member Posts: 185
    I am a 6 year survivor of stage 3 rectal cancer, diagnosed when I was 36, and that seemed way too young. I admire your determination and fortitude. You are an inspiration. I still struggle with my cancer diagnosis at times, although I live a full and complete life. There is no way around the fact that cancer changes everything. Best of luck in all your ventures. You have many many fans in your corner! By the way, we call my grumpy 9 year old son "Mr. Bright Side" and he loves the song too.
  • taunya
    taunya Member Posts: 390 Member
    Andrea, you darling,
    You pull that denial right up to your chin and stick your tongue out at any creepy fear monster that wanders from underneath the bed! You sound wonderful. Markers, aint over 'till the fat lady sings and I don't even hear the orchestra warming up.
    Hang in there Ducky. You will never regret having a great summer.
    Love, Hugs and all the prayers and good thoughts the airwaves can handle goin' out to you.
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    Yea, I could do with a bit of boredom in my life -- at least on the medical side. However, I also fully support your notion of living life to the fullest -- your summer/fall plans sound excellent.

    There should be a special saint that one could pray to while waiting for the results of tests!! It is a unique form of hell.....My fingers are crossed, prayers being sent and warm vibes coming straight your way....
  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    Andrea, my Prayers are with you. Keep the faith, we only have Hope. Try to enjoy your summer vacation, you deserve it. Livin
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    Thank you for the update. You give me such hope with your can do attitude. Waiting is such a difficult thing to do. Praying for the best for you!
  • Shandle
    Shandle Member Posts: 204
    Hi Andrea, What a nice post! Love your spirit! I'll pray for you darlin' Don't let the marker get ya down. Hey mine was up, then down.. then up.. and now I think it's waaaay down! Good luck with the test.. and enjoy your summer to the fullest! (something tells me that you will) and keep us posted on the outcome. I'd love to go to Vegas too, and meet all you semi-colons out there, but... finances this year may hold me back. Hugggs.. Wanda... aka, xcw
  • bsrules
    bsrules Member Posts: 296

    Hello There sweetie!!!! GREAT to hear from you!!! I'm sorry for the late answer to your post but have been very busy!!!! It has helped my mind to stay occupied!!!

    Hang in there with all the tests!!!! You are such a trooper!!! Sorry that I don't know any of the songs you mentioned. I'm am into the oldies. Bob and I always listened to them when ever we could to sooth the hectic days.

    I will be keeping you in my prayers for good news!!! I will also be sending lots of beautiful rainbows!!!!!

    Keep up the positive attitude!!!!

    Love Always!!!

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    bsrules said:


    Hello There sweetie!!!! GREAT to hear from you!!! I'm sorry for the late answer to your post but have been very busy!!!! It has helped my mind to stay occupied!!!

    Hang in there with all the tests!!!! You are such a trooper!!! Sorry that I don't know any of the songs you mentioned. I'm am into the oldies. Bob and I always listened to them when ever we could to sooth the hectic days.

    I will be keeping you in my prayers for good news!!! I will also be sending lots of beautiful rainbows!!!!!

    Keep up the positive attitude!!!!

    Love Always!!!



    As much as I hate to admit it, "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC is - at 25+ years old - officially an "oldie" - of course I much prefer the term "Classic Rock"...

    For those about to rock; We salute you!!

    - Sponge (who calls Cleveland - home of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame [not to mention Drew Carey] - home)
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Andrea, Good to hear from you, and many prayers coming your way for the upcoming tests. your summer plans sound great; we are all wishing for the best summer yet for you. Judy
  • oneagleswings
    oneagleswings Member Posts: 425 Member
    Hi Andreae:
    That is quite a commute for you to Burlington from Montreal- how did you end up having to go there? Isn't Avastin available whre you are?

    Your plans are marvellous and I just know that you will have an incredible summer. Your attitude is inspiring and if mind over matter can slow/cure cancer you will be NED one day- theory is that we only use something like 10% of our brain capacity- so maybe somewhere in the other 90% is the ability to "move mountains?" Wouldn't that be wonderful.
    You are a special person-