How invasive is getting a "Pic line" in?



  • IAmStrong
    IAmStrong Member Posts: 58

    Hope he is doing better. We
    Hope he is doing better. We are not too far behind you in treatment phase and get second of 3 Cisplatin infusions tomorrow. Last few days rough...anxious about the next few. Hate all this. Hope you guys are taking it one day at a time and hopefully the days will add up to done real soon. Lets wipe this cancer out of our lives.

    PICC Line
    So Glad I got one, only wish it had come along earlier in my treatment. I asked for one, they said no. I was getting IV fluids daily at home at this point. Then hospitalized with complications. During this time I got my PICC. One time they came at me, and I told them NO MORE!

    FYI, to the person getting round 2 of cisplatin. I read that those who get cisplatin every other week have a higher incidence of permanent hearing loss and damage, as I have...vs those who have cisplating weekly. Wish I could redo that one.

    Best Wishes and Improved Health to Everyone! We got this!!! Hang Tight!!!