What now?

ViewSonic Member Posts: 17
My 31y/o wife has been on the phase 2 Crizotinib trial since last June. Well, we got the news that we didn't want to hear yesterday. Lastest CT/bone scans shows increased progression, doc said its spreading fast again. Its hard to understand how this is possible when the previous scan before that showed everything as being stable. This is so very difficult to take. Doc said there is nothing left for him to do and there is nothing else that can be done and recommended in-home hospice care. He took her off all her meds except pain meds, and sent us home.

My wife had brain surgery a month ago to remove a tumor that wouldn't go away even from Gamma Knife that she had a year ago. And it appears she was doing okay and slowly recovering from the surgery, although she is weaker now and having severe vision problems. We thought this would be a routine 3-week checkup that we usually go through to get a re-fill on the Crizotinib.

What other options are there? This is all so difficult to take. Should I take her to a different doctor and perhaps have her go back on chemo? Will that even work now? Is this the end.... are we just counting the days now? There must be something else that can be done.


  • dennycee
    dennycee Member Posts: 857 Member
    Definitely get a 2nd
    Definitely get a 2nd opinion. Look into a palliative care program. They supply the same pain management that hospice does but you can still aggressively pursue life extending treatments like chemo and rads.